All the details about Public Offerings are here: You will now be able to easily follow news about Public Offerings, companies awaiting Public Offering Approval, companies with approved Public Offerings, and capital increases with a more modern and user-friendly interface.Join the Live Chat: You will now be able to chat live on content related to the Public Offerings you follow. Get ideas, share ideas.Favorite: You can favorite any content you want within the Public Offering content and access it whenever you want.Your favorite stocks are also here: You can now follow the instant data of companies traded on Borsa Istanbul in our application.Breaking News: You can access breaking news about the economy from the application and make healthier decisions.We did not remain indifferent to the hundreds of emails and comments we received from you and renewed our beloved application. We will continue to continuously improve.The IPO Calendar is with you in a single application. Moreover, you can interact with other users on stock market chat.You can access public offering shares and easily use our application in public offering tracking and public offering alert areas.Here is the capital increase news in a single application!